Optima Systems Consultancy have been awarded a contract to deliver System Engineering training to the team at Nuclear Waste Services (NWS).
The 9-month contract, awarded via open competition in December 2022, includes a mixture of training and mentoring in Systems Engineering to enable NWS to apply a Systems Engineering Approach to the Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) programme. A GDF is a highly engineered facility capable of isolating radioactive waste within multiple barriers, deep underground, to ensure that no harmful quantities of radioactivity ever reach the environment. The development of a GDF will be a major infrastructure project of national significance. It will provide a permanent solution for the UK’s existing higher activity radioactive waste (including anticipated waste from a new build programme).
The training will be tailored to different groups within the NWS teams including; Systems Engineering fundamentals for members of Major Capital Programmes, Specialist training for Requirements Engineers and Senior Leadership System Engineering Awareness.
Optima’s experienced training team will work with the NWS teams to tailor the training to the specific cohort of trainees. They will also apply GDF related case studies to ensure they are relevant to their programme. The Optima team will also provide training to enable the NWS to deliver the courses using their own team across the entire Major Capital Programmes Department.
About Optima Systems Consultancy
Established in 2012, Optima is an independent Systems Engineering Consultancy that provides support and expertise to industry and government. They have an experienced team of security cleared Systems Engineers with a successful track record of supporting complex programmes across the nuclear, defence and security industry. Optima is a member of the Nuclear Industries Association (NIA), the National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN) and is a Corporate Member of the UK’s International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
About Nuclear Waste Services
Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) was created with the vision and purpose to make nuclear waste permanently safe, sooner. NWS brings together the UK’s leading nuclear waste management capabilities and is part of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority group, which has a collective long-term mission to clean up nuclear sites safely, securely, and cost-effectively.
Further information about the NWS, the repository site and their range of waste treatment and disposal services can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/radioactive-waste-management