Press Release  •  2 Nov 2022  •  2 min read

Optima welcomes Sue Ousby and Laura Hirschfeld

Optima Systems Consultancy is delighted to welcome Sue Ousby BSc (Hons) MSc PGCE PGDip and Laura Hirschfeld MEng MIET ACGA to our team.

Sue has recently joined our team as a Senior Principal Consultant with a wealth of experience in consulting across the Defence Sector.

Sue’s early career was as a Training Officer in the Royal Air Force with tours including the professional training of Royal Air Force Apprentice Technicians and Engineer Officers, specialising in communications and radar, the Royal Air Force’s Electronic Warfare Team and later in the Defence Communications Services Agency (now known as Defence Digital).

Since leaving the Royal Air Force in 2005, Sue continued to develop her skills as a Systems Engineer and Enterprise Architect and has experience both in industry and as a consultant.

Sue has worked on several programmes relating to the pursuit of network enabled capability both in industry and with Defence clients and in addition, was a member of the highly regarded Key Systems Advisors team (a Niteworks programme).  For the past 8 years, her systems engineering, and enterprise architecture skills have been adeptly deployed in the world of Digital and IT where she has been working with clients to develop and implement operating models for IT functions, shape transformation programmes and deliver IT service management functions.

In her spare time Sue is training to be a Pilates instructor, she also plays the oboe regularly performing with Bath Symphony Orchestra and, if the sun’s out and the water is warm, also enjoys windsurfing and dinghy sailing.

Laura has joined Optima as a Systems Engineering Consultant with a specialty in electrical and electronic engineering. She started her career in Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), working primarily in the Ship’s domain in teams such as ships acquisition and maritime combat systems. She enjoyed the challenging environment working within small teams whilst also managing a project by herself delivering capability to the front line.

Laura also works in STEM as a tutor to encourage more women into the field and spends her free time on a rugby pitch.

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